The Care & Technology Lab (Institut Mensch, Technik und Teilhabe, IMTT) is an interdisciplinary research institute at the Furtwangen University (HFU)
At the Care & Technology Lab (IMTT) we strive to conduct application-oriented interdisciplinary research at the point of intersection between human beings, technology and social participation. Our research interests range from Assistive Technologies in general over technology-assisted nursing processes (e.g. technology-assisted case and care management) to concepts of human-technology interaction for the elderly and/or disabled people. Additional research topics cover the accessibility of private or public spaces, the implementation of inclusive concepts and finally the specific (nursing) needs of (elderly) people with disabilities.
By utilising user-centred and participatory development methods, we put the human being in the focus of our scientific endeavours. In this line, the IMTT’s key mission is the effective integration of technical and nursing science competencies. In order to reach this goal, the skills of researchers from the disciplines of Engineering, Computer Science, Design, Health Sciences and Nursing Sciences are combined. The IMTT is led by Professor Dr. Peter König and Professor Dr. Christophe Kunze.
In 2014, the “Future Care Lab” (FCL) was built as an experimental research and development environment for novel Assistive Technologies aiming to enable independent living for disabled and/or elderly persons. The FCL integrates a wide variety of Smart Home technologies (including Ambient Assisted Living technologies, robotics, interaction as well as information and communication systems) into a life-like living (and care) environment. It’s further aims range from the development of specific application scenarios over the evaluation of existing Assistive Technologies to the transfer into technology-assisted care practice.
In addition to our innovative research, the institute’s fields of activity include networking, transfer into practice as well as on-the-job training for professionals and students.